Tarot Nuts in May…


Ok…Ok… first off a little bit of an apology to my fellow hoppers… particularly to those who read the prompt I set and thought… OMG!!! WTF???

IMG_5550I ‘m sorry!! OK!!! I’m sorry!!

Especially to any newbies who may have felt that they’d just landed into an initiation by fire…

I’m sorry… I’m truly truly sorry…

But believe you me… I really did not think this through… and I opened up a classic case of the blind leading the blind…

See… that’s what happens when you let an idiot loose as the wrangler…

But… you know… I can’t promise that it won’t happen again… it very well may…

I have this terrible affliction where I’m visited by Loki… he lands like a crow on my head and he pecks away with K… T… K…T… K…T… I’ve got a fun game we can play… follow me… follow me…

I say… Loki! I’m too old for this… I’m all grown up now… I’m not KT anymore… I’m Mrs S!

He says… well yes… that may be… you may like to tell yourself that… but I know you from way back when and I know you’ll come and play… K…T…K…T… run away with me…

(I’m just going to give you a slight back story here… the first time I met Loki, I was 7 maybe 8… and I can’t recall the exact circumstances of how and why but I along with my little sister had just had a telling off from the woman across the road and we’d bolted home to hide in our back garden and as my ears were still ringing from her shouts, I heard another voice say… hey… pssst… over here…. I’ll show you how to pay her back…

So… I followed the voice and I grabbed my sister’s hand and dragged her along with me and soon we were mixing all manner of strange things into a potion… vinegar and mustard and marshmallows are the things I recall… the other ingredientsΒ are now a mystery to me… Soon we had one those plastic bags that you sealed with a twisty tie, the sort of thing that chest freezers were full of in the 70’s as big cavernous icy tombs were filled with all manner of crapΒ  meals for the week that were more a display to the Jones’s that you had the wealth to buy the new fangled machine rather than Β a nod to health and Β nutrition… anyway… the bag was brimming and fit to burst… what were we to do with it? Loki said… she loves her roses… go pour it on one of the bushes… so we crawled on our bellies to sneak up on the flora without being spotted and we held our breath as we with trembling hands poured the vile concoction over a rose bush with a few red buds… Loki said… Good… now wait and watch and see what happens…

The weeks passed and the bushesΒ began to grow… there were maybe half a dozen and they grew with sparse blooms but the one that we’d medicated with mischief… it grew and grew and grew… it bloomed the biggest fattest fullest most fragrant roses I ever did see or smell…

I watched with disbelief until I called Loki to come back… Loki????? What??? Why???

He said to me… K…T…. K…T…. Katey clever clogs!!! When you play with a trickster… things may or may not turn out how you imagine…

To be honest… that’s probably a lesson I should have paid more attention to… πŸ˜€ )

So anyway…. back to the hop in hand…


Trust me… I really did shoot myself in the foot… I sat up in the crazy owl hours, burning the midnight oil and trying to work out how to fill the blank pages… mmmm….. this may work…. or maybe not… ideas wriggled and flipped like fish on a hook and all of them flailed and failed to land… then I had the idea that is responsible for the title that you see above … though that idea Β got trashed (however the tin foil hat of the title still conveniently fits my new head of thoughts…). I watched the original idea unfurl out like emerging fronds of ferns and I realised that it would probably make for a very nice stage play or film adaptation Β but in the hopping arena… something like that would be so lengthy that it would be verging on holding you hostage and would be tantamount to reader abuse…

Then…the postman arrives and a-ha!

Synchronicity… my timely friend

All my random thoughts suddenly roll together…

IMG_5553The Tarot Derive

lands and the box opens and sprawls its way across my room…

K…T…K…T… run away with me…

meet Tommy Ten Sheds… silent sleeping partner…


Shhh… don’t wake the cat…

IMG_5554So… I finally remember theΒ lightning bolt of inspiration and what was going through my mind when I initially wrote the theme… I’d been thinking that so often when writing email readings, I’d been using the word may… and each and every time it annoys me… because it feels so tentative and flimsy and almost like a wavering waiver of disclaiming whatever comes off of your keypad next…


In the good old days… writing was a slow fashion… it gracefully glided from a glistening nib adorned in bluey black gorgeousness… there lived style, discipline, authority Β and craftsmanship and precision and skill of the hand to make elegant marks across the page, which gave time for the mind to play out the big picture and set all the pawns in a row… intelligent strategy of a long game described to people who were prepared to wait and then feel the weight of the considerations as they then picked up the pieces to take their turn and make their next move…


Now on the great web…

Everything is whizzbang in all directions and people want answers yesterday…

Now I have no problem with firing quick thoughts and I am by all accounts a pretty nifty word slinger…


What bothers me is…

It’s always a gamble!

Will the reader take the time to read what I actually wrote rather than what they think they read as they skim through the answers, whilst flicking between texts, LimpedIn, Twatter Wotszapp and f*ckΒ  facebook…

I’m a pithy pragmatic soul and I may not always tell you what you want to hear and face to face… most people I see are down with that and in fact, that is why my frequent flyers return… because my ass is firmly rooted and grounded even if my words are off the wall… and they know I speak common sense even if it is in elaborately flowery and off-beat metaphor…

But with writing… there’s always that ??? as to how your words will land and what impact they will leave… I don’t really want to leave my boot print on somebody else’s crushed dreams…

So I find myself writing… well… it may be this or it may be that…

And I feel a heightened awareness of this pathetic trend of being fashionably butt hurt…

I have experienced first-hand people who I thought knew me, taking my words entirely out of context and twisting them to bang on about some point that they want to rant on about… and then slapping me with tags and hashtags… which I usually quieten with – let’s continue this face to face over a drink…

But then I think of The Oracle of Delphi and the inscription above the door…

Know thyself

And I remember that while I am responsible for what I am writing…

The seeker should also be responsible in what they are asking and also in how they may interpretΒ  the advice that they sought out…

Caveat emptor

Weigh up your question before you ask

Think about the direction you wish to travel

You are entering my domain

And if you come unprepared and Β prodding wings expecting fairy dust to fall

Then you should not be surprised when you find yourself being blazed by a dragon

This is my world

I can move swiftly in any direction

I may stampede full steam ahead in the direction you seek

I may toss you a curve ball and send you reeling

So… think carefully

I hang in the balance between reality and imagination

I move up and down between the two

If you decide to drop into my portal

You may find that it’s not Wonderland

But a pothole into a wandering no man’s land

And if you don’tΒ ask the right questions

You may be faced with just the

Final grin of the fading Cheshire Cat

And an echo of a voice that laughs

Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go…


Fortunately for you today…

You have landed when I am in good company. You can hit the links in either direction and you’ll be sure to find wonders!

May you always be blessed




31 thoughts on “Tarot Nuts in May…

  1. This is why I don’t do written readings any more – it was taking me a whole day to chop it around until I was convinced that what I wanted to say was absolutely clear…and then most of the time they still just saw what they wanted to. F2F is better.


      1. Fair point, but you could beat some people over the head with a big sign stating the bleeding obvious in large, friendly letters and they still wouldn’t be able to see it πŸ˜€


  2. Loved this piece of truth my friend. I do hope that clients take the time and read what is being given to them rather than skimming for the answer they would want to see. Blessed Be.


  3. Lol girl, we should meet up sometimes! I never knew anyone (other than myself) who talked to Loki! I love you! XD

    To Loki: I want the rose-cocoction’s recipe, thank you!

    Now off to read the rest of the post.


      1. He said he just put everything and anything he found and knew it wouldn’t kill the bush… And that it was so much fun watching your little faces waiting for vengeance… He has taught you a valuable life lesson about keeping grudge in his opinion. -.-‘


  4. Love the iconography of the cards, pulled mr in right away and yes I can see the connection to both the norse gods and with this set I can see why Loki is very much your companion πŸ™‚ Loved this stop on the hop, interesting stuff πŸ™‚


  5. Ha, yes, I’m another who has stopped giving email readings for these kinds of reasons. I love writing, but not the hedging. And while I get the caveat emptor, I also want the querent to get something useful from the reading. Though perhaps Loki would say they’ll get something interesting, one way or the other… πŸ˜€


    1. I’m not ready to give up on email readings yet as there are still some distinct advantages to them. My husband made me laugh a while ago… I was working on a pile of readings and for some reason that day, I’d written out the questions and jotted down some bullet point notes (usually I flow straight to page). He glanced over my shoulder and said – Ah… tarot reading… 5% is knowing what the cards mean… and then the real skill is in the 95% of being able to phrase a kick in the arse in the way that somebody’s going to enjoy it, pay you for it and come back for more!
      Arse kicking is much easier F2F… one raised eyebrow can convey 3 pages of writing… πŸ˜€
      Though joking aside, I think sometimes in readings there are things that come up unexpectedly that you feel that you need direct express permission to enter into… with F2F you have that immediate feedback and can gauge very quickly how far you can go… with email… that little voice in your head says… oh… if this is wrong… it’s going to be a complete train wreck! Though interestingly… they normally turn out very well…
      I think the biggest problem i’ve had with email readings is not down to the format but down to the type of person I’ve encountered… and there’s a distinct common theme and pattern. I won’t go in to it here but let’s just say I have a list of red flags of things to steer clear of…;)
      And yes… Loki always delivers!
      The worse reading I ever did was F2F where someone just said No! to everything I said… it was during a group booking and I’d seen them one by one in a separate room… As it happened, I had a friend there who had turned up for the evening but not for a reading – she asked me after how I’d gotten on with the No! person… I said to her – bloody awful! She laughed her head off and told me that this person has boasted to the room before she went in that she’d been for loads of readings and she’d bust me if I was no good… she came out and told them I was brilliant and picked up on everything!
      I was gobsmacked… because she’d kept saying No! I’d only told her about 10% of what I could have…
      That happened very early on in my reading life… it was an interesting lesson for me! πŸ˜€


  6. Really enjoyed this topic, Karen – and as always, loved your post! I haven’t give up on email readings yet either – I like the challenge of (to borrow your husband’s words) finding a way to phrase a kick in the arse that someone will enjoy – or at least take in. (Had to laugh at your line “I may not always tell you…” – good old ‘may’ creeps in again! I use a line not unlike that too πŸ™‚


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