My Secret Tarot Method for Winning the Lotto!!!


Welcome to the latest Tarot Blog Hop wrangled by Ania Marczyk who has sent us on a bunny free money hop for Easter…

So… my thoughts about money… well… I guess in theory that life goes smoother when  you have some! Though it’s not something that I dwell on too much in general as it always seems to turn up when I need it. In relation to tarot and running a business, I guess I have a few more thoughts, but that may send me ranty and I’m mindful of my blood pressure…

Finances when reading for others, I find it’s seldom something that the people that I read for directly ask about… they often ask about career but that is more likely to be about progression and direction. I see the financial undertone appear in the cards and the most frequent flyers that I recall popping up are the Ace of Pentacles when people are near to retirement, which is often coupled with 8 of Cups and I see 8 of Pentacles come up frequently with people who are looking to start their own business…

On the rare occasion, I did read about my own personal finances, this threw up the 9 of Pentacles with the 7 of Swords… This was when I was doing some freelance work and having to chase up invoices… I’m not really wanting to divulge the gory details but let’s just say that I followed up that reading with a bit of detective work, the assistance of the Google oracle and couple of interesting conversations that gave more than an inkling of insight into the full extent of the BS behind the facade…

Blood pressure…. blood pressure… and count to 10… and breathe… 😀

But mostly, if I want to know about finances then my first port of call is to get out my diary, banks statements, business accounts, bills etc. and to take a good look at all incomings and outgoings and to note the patterns and sequences that are laid out… Keeping a timeline of accounts is pretty useful… I tend to slip one day to the next without too much thought, but if something catches my attention that I need to look at then I can usually find the answers in the ledgers without having to wake my cards up…

Where does money come in most frequently with my Tarot practise?

Well… it’s at events. I tend to take pretty lively gigs and with that comes a lot of banter and so I have an armoury of rapid responses…

One thing I get asked all the time is – Can you tell me the lottery numbers?

And I do have a variety of answers… one of which is YES! I can! But it’s going to cost you 64.5 million….

Or… YES! oh… but your guardian angel told me not to tell you as they are tired of seeing you blow big bucks on hookers and blackjack…

Or whatever nonsense pleases me in the moment…

But today, I am amongst friends and so I will share with you, my statistically proven, guaranteed Lottery winning system…

Gather around folks and listen very carefully…

By the light of a Gibbous Moon, remove your left shoe…

Actually… this is really long and complicated so in true Blue Peter fashion…

Here’s one I prepared earlier…


1, 7, 17, 29, 37, 44

All you have to do now is…

Sit back and play every week…



And when you win…

Don’t forget to share the wealth!

You can tip me via PayPal!

You’re Welcome!


If you don’t ask…

You don’t get!


Follow the links for more Money/ Tarot insights


28 thoughts on “My Secret Tarot Method for Winning the Lotto!!!

  1. I love the “your guardian angels told me not to tell you” quip! Would love to see you in the act some time. In the meantime, as you say, don’t ask, don’t get: that’s a great reminder. Or, in a more lotto frame of mind: you’ve got to be in it to win it 😀


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