Free Association Falling…


Welcome to the latest Tarot Blog Hop, wrangled by Morgan Drake Eckstein who set the succinct prompt of:

What I can (could) teach the world.

Well, well, well… I mulled this question over at great length and had a few flashbacks to teaching maths and thought about how what you teach is only half the equation and just because you can teach something, it doesn’t necessarily follow that the world wants to learn it… So I curtailed that train of thought and thought about looking at a couple of things I habitually do with varying degrees of success… Firstly, there’s my natural tendency to randomly ramble, which seems pointless to explain as that’s not so much something you teach others but more of a game that you suck them into…

The second habit is maybe the one I can teach, as it’s a habit that gets me into all kind of scrapes and maybe as a kind of public service announcement I should teach mindful manifestation… I am a manifestor par excellence… unfortunately I rarely think through my wording and so I often get more than I bargained for… sometimes it’s a favourable bonus such as a houseful of ginger stray cats and a garden full of hedgehogs… then there’s the less favourable result such as the bruised elbow I’m currently sporting after whipping out a card for this hop then asking for a good yarn to turn up… Anyway, my haphazard conjurings often leave me wishing that I had asked more precisely for what I wanted and so my teaching is to share a tale in the hope that that helps someone somewhere avoid a lesson learnt the hard way…

So, I know it’s a Tarot hop but it seemed a good idea at the time to dip into my W.I.P. oracle as I’m currently looking at the writing and storytelling aspects…

I’ve not fully landed on the final title for this card and it switches between Well of Wyrd, Well of Urd and Portal…

As I pulled the card, I looked at it and my free fall word fall was…

If you stare at one thing for long enough you will find a pattern even if that pattern is your habit of spinning until you go crazy…
Even the greatest turbulence in life when all said and done is little more than a storm in a teacup…
You can drink it down or pour it away…
And then that is when I made my gaffe that from previous experiences, I should have known better by now but no, I did it again and challenged the cosmos to send me something to write about…
A few days later, I’m walking from a client’s house back to my car and I feel my foot catch on the pavement… My brain goes into that slow motion, hyper-awareness thing, where thoughts stream through at a rate of knots and I’m mentally turning the air blue with profanities as FFS!!! This is going to end badly… I can visualise my size 24 frame smashing into the ground so I’m also cussing at the cosmos that I’m too busy to break bones this week… I visualise my crash landing and how I’m going to land on my bag and annihilate my phone plus both pairs of new spectacles and then something very strange happens… My left arm flings my bag out of harm’s way then slams down into a breakfall and I diagonally forward roll… hitting the tarmac and back up on to my feet. I swoop up my bag and stride to the car then as I get in I’m baffled and wonder if I’m actually tripping as opposed to having tripped up… surely that didn’t happen??? The throb in my elbow and the grit embedded in it, confirm that it did… It all feels a little surreal and I laugh at the thought that that is probably the coolest move my body has ever done and not a single soul was there to see it! 😀
I arrive home, looking a little wired I guess as the look on my face was enough to tear Mr S away from his Star Trek reruns… He applied his first aid skills as I expressed surprise that my body had done this stuntman manoeuvre and I guessed that my latent ninja skills must have been some kind of leftover muscle memory from when I did about a year or so of Judo about 35 years ago… I asked Mr S if he thought that was possible and he thought it probably was as I had taken my tumble in a way that smacked of being a textbook Ukemi roll…
I liked the way the word Ukemi landed on my ears and so I kicked it across in to the Google Oracle and discovered that the falling technique is not just about preventing physical harm, the Ukemi practice is also a philosophical lesson in learning to take the falls gracefully… to acknowledge that life has thrown you, to absorb the lesson and to get back onto your feet… and that’s when the penny dropped that I’d manifested my story…
Thinking about tarot/oracles/stories in general… I guess people are not interested in what you have to say per se but more in how you say things and transport them to a place where it doesn’t matter if the story is true or not… it takes them to a place where they can change the way they see the world and their place in it…  I’ll leave that thought there and you can do with it as you please…
And just for fun, I’ll share with you a silly game I like to play…
Autopredict divination 
I’ll give you the beginning of the sentences and you can type into your phone and then hit the predictive text buttons to complete them…
  1. I can teach the world…
  2. I could…
  3. I should…

For the morbidly curious, mine were…

I can teach the world is a prelude to a whole new level
I could be a reminder to get the solution
I should probably start by clearing my desk
And on that note, you can either play the game or roll on by (bye bye) by hitting the links to my neighbours 😀


13 thoughts on “Free Association Falling…

  1. I almost left you a predictive text comment which did interestingly insert “the Sola Busca tarot cards” into the mix, but it was really complete nonsense other than that. Fabulous story!! WOW!


    1. What do you think of the Sola Busca? When it comes to my Amazon basket, that deck has been in and out more times than a fiddler’s elbow… I’ve almost but not quite bought it about a dozen times now…


      1. There was a recent reprint (a year ago?) at normal prices and I grabbed it then (I think it was from Lo Scarabeo). It’s helpful to me for teaching tarot history, so it’s a must-have for my collection of reproduction decks. I am hesitant to qualify it as “fully illustrated” because it seems to me a lot of the images are repeated very similarly. However, the reason it came up in your predictive text comment was due to a podcast that I had forwarded to several friends. If you like a combination of tarot history, conspiracy theory, and enough legitimate info to make it all intriguing and valuable, check out and I’m pretty sure one of these is where I got my catch phrase “tarot is a gateway to magic.” 🙂


      2. It was my ??? over “fully-illustrated” that always put me off shelling out…
        Thanks for the links, I will indeed check those out 🙂
        Nice catchphrase, wherever it came from 🙂


  2. I usually ignore my predictive text so it snubbed me and produced the gibberish I expect from it. As for the card, I see people – how about Well of Souls? 😀


    1. There are indeed people in there… This image is the result of an ad hoc process of layering that started with taking a photograph of 3 faces that I pyrographed onto a wooden lazy Susan. The photo was taken whilst the faces were spinning…
      Well of Souls is a good call… I’ll toss that into the mix… Thanks 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. 🙂 Hahaha, Karen, thanks God you are that great at Ukemi – now I am going to google and practice – it, I so much loved your story! I have a similar one with a bottle of cognac I once bought for myself. It flew far away as I fell down on the icy road, my knee hurt a bit and I could hear the bottle landing on the asphalt road. I almost burst into tears when after raising up from the ground, I realized that the bottle was safe and sound. I hope your elbow is fine by now! 🙂 Thank you so much for this post!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Late on this one, but after you liked my Cosmic Whisper thing, I had to check back into see how you are doing and also have a good chuckle. Great post, BTW. Love the cards and also knowing how you made that one is fascinating.
    I obviously haven’t used my phone for search enough:
    I can teach the world…to sing
    I could only imagine (duh!)
    I shouldn’t be alive (!!!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Joanne and not late at all. The right time is when you arrive 🙂 I’m laughing at your phone replies as thinking of the odds involved in the miracle of life, I guess you could argue that none of should be alive! Yet here we are 😀 and good to see You!

      Liked by 1 person

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